Saturday, 28 November 2009

Test sobre la Ciudad medieval

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

How understand gothic art?

  1. Step 1

    Look at the outside of a Gothic Cathedral. One of the first things you will notice is the prevalence of gargoyles surrounding the building. The utilitarian reason for these monstrous sculptures is quite basic; they are waterspouts. As for the frightening appearance of these creatures, the most common conclusion is that they were created to symbolically keep evil spirits away.

  2. Step 2

    Note the building materials used. Gothic churches were made entirely of stone, whereas churches in the former eras used wood for the roofs, which made them susceptible to fire. The weight of the stone was eased by the use of ”flying buttresses” or buttresses used to reinforcement the building that are diagonally arched or "flying" in form.

  3. Step 3

    Gaze upward in the interior of the church. The vertical thrust towards a pointed apex is not only spiritual in origin, but it has a structural function as well in connection with the ribbed vaults.

  4. Step 4

    Notice the way the ribbed vaults are spaced and how they meet at the apex of the church. This distributes the weight of the frame, making it more structurally sound.

  5. Step 5

    Look for an abundance of Romanesque décor within the church. Sculptures, paintings and ornate stained-glass windows are notable traits of this type of architecture. The windows are large and the paintings depict scenes from both the Old and New Testament.

To know some cathedrals

Test sobre el Románico

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Desde Benavente hasta Suiza

Un compañero vuestro, Joaquín, ha asistido el pasado día 20 a Ginebra para participar en la Presentación de la Película This is me, en la sala de los derechos Humanos que la ONU tiene en esta ciudad, con motivo del 50 aniversario de los derechos del niño.

Junto con un grupo de niños de entre 10 y 18 años, alumnos de una escuela de cine pensada especialmente para ellos, presentaron su último trabajo.

Un largometraje cuya peculiaridad reside en que ha sido escrito, diseñado, interpretado, dirigido y montado por 40 niños y jóvenes de los cinco continentes.

Los responsables de la escuela de cine afirman que "no es un documental, no es un docudrama, no es un reality show, es la vida contada en forma de ficción por sus propios protagonistas", y agregan que "los más pequeños describirán a toda voz sus experiencias de vida, con la única arma que se les permite: el cine".

Para saber más puedes seguir el enlace.1, 2, 3, 4

A medieval Joke

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

How to understand the Romanesque art ?

How to Understand Romanesque Art

Romanesque art, as a definitive style, emerged around the year 1000 and lasted until about 1150 in France, Italy, Britain and the German fiefdoms. The name literally means "in the style of the Roman.
  1. Step 1

    Recognize that this was a period of huge physical migration. For the first time in history, people were making religious pilgrimages across vast distances, stopping in various cities along the way.

  2. Step 2

    Recognize that the Crusades began in 1095 with the intention of recapturing Jerusalem from its Jewish and Muslim dwellers. This led to increased trade between northern Europe and the Islamic world.

  3. Step 3

    Know that the Romanesque is most famous for its monasticism and illuminated manuscripts. Monks wrote out pages by hand, using and developing a script called Caroline miniscule - a precursor to the Roman alphabet we now use - and embellished the pages with gold and, less commonly, silver.

  4. Step 4

    Look at pictures and examples of Romanesque art and architecture. There are good examples on the Internet.

  5. Step 5

    Know that two things took place in wall painting and manuscript illumination: Forms became smoother and more fluent with a less aggressively patterned interpretation put on nature, and the interest in contemporary Byzantine art grew more intense. Both of these tendencies aimed at representing human actions and interactions with greater conviction and increased psychological power.

  6. Step 6

    Know that this period is characterized by the building of churches with vaulted ceilings of masonry. Mason vaulting was highly fire-retardant in an era when marauding hordes and competing feudal lords regularly sacked and destroyed churches and their communities.

  7. Step 7

    Notice that relief sculpture began to appear in art, particularly in churches and in pictures with religious themes. about it

The music in this art, The Gregorian:

Buscar y descargar m�s m�sica gratis

Desplegable romanico
Diccionario románico
English romanesque art dictionary
Glossary with Medieval art Vocabulary

How recognize you the Romanesque art ?

you have to put the name of several places in the last two pictures. in English and Spanish.

Writes and you should put it in your blog

Sunday, 15 November 2009

What were the Crusades?

What were the Crusades?

The Crusades were a series of military campaigns during the time of Medieval England against the Muslims of the Middle East. In 1076, the Muslims had captured Jerusalem - the most holy of holy places for Christians. Jesus had been born in nearby Bethlehem and Jesus had spent most of his life in Jerusalem. He was crucified on Calvary Hill, also in Jerusalem. There was no more important place on Earth than Jerusalem for a true Christian which is why Christians called Jerusalem the "City of God".

However, Jerusalem was also extremely important for the Muslims as Muhammad, the founder of the Muslim faith, had been there and there was great joy in the Muslim world when Jerusalem was captured. A beautiful dome - called the Dome of the Rock - was built on the rock where Muhammad was said to have sat and prayed and it was so holy that no Muslim was allowed to tread on the rock or touch it when visiting the Dome.

Therefore the Christian fought to get Jerusalem back while the Muslims fought to keep Jerusalem. These wars were to last nearly 200 years

A Time line of the Crusades

Some History books do slightly vary with their dates regarding when the Crusades started. The problem seems to be on deciding whether the date a crusade was called for is the date it started, on or whether the date troops actually left for a crusade is the date it started.

The First Crusade : 1096 to 1099

The Second Crusade : 1147 to 1149

The Third Crusade : 1189 to 1192

The Fourth Crusade : 1201 to 1204

The Fifth Crusade : 1218 to 1221

The Sixth Crusade : 1228 to 1229

The Seventh Crusade : 1248 to 1254

The Eighth Crusade : 1270

In 1212 what became known as the Children’s Crusade also occurred.

Homework: Read the text and answer briefly the question: What and how were the Crusades? Writes in your blog

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Vocabulary unit 1 and 2

  • First of all you have to do the glosary in the end of your book.
  • Second, you have to look for the meaning of these words and write them in english:

Unit 1

Unit 2
  1. Allah
  2. Byzantine Empire
  3. Carolingian Empire
  4. Germanic
  5. Hegira
  6. Islam
  7. Justinian Code
  8. mosaics
  9. monotheistic
  10. Ramadan
  11. Huns
  12. Basileus
  13. Bizantine Orthodox Chuch
  14. East-West Schism
  15. Icons
  16. Treaty of Verdum
  17. Missi dominici
  18. Counties
  1. Vikings
  2. Magyars
  3. Saracens
  4. Serfs
  5. nobles
  6. Fief o manor
  7. Vassals
  8. Paid homage
  9. Court
  10. Demesne
  11. Clergy
  12. Privileged states
  13. Pope
  14. Order of Saint Benedict
  15. Regular clergy
  16. Knight
  17. Tithe
  18. Fallow
  19. Self-sufficient

You need to know these words and your meanings for the next exam. I will ask you.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Female clothes in the 14th and 15th Centuries

The chemise (red) is a low-necked, long-sleeved undergarment. In this period, padded stomachs (blue) were fashionable. The corset is a short-sleeved garment that shows off the chemise. The houppelande (also green) is a voluminous garment with long, flaring sleeves. During this period, waistlines are high. The mantle is a long, semicircular or circular cloth fastened by a strap across the collarbone.

If you want to know more about the female clothes you can see this page

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Comics sobre el Feudalismo

Espero que estos comic te parezcan de interés. Han sido tomados de esta dirección

Thursday, 5 November 2009

How bread was made in medieval times?

Find out how the bread was made in medieval times. Describe the process. You can start like this:
  • First , the wheat was planted in the soil
  • After that......

Deberías ver los vídeos, sino sabes cómo se desarrolla todo el proceso, para poderlo describir.

Monday, 2 November 2009

La vida y el alimento en la Edad Media


Cultivado como alimento desde hace más de 9.000 años, el trigo ha sufrido muchos cambios. Un antepasado probable de todos los trigos cultivados es el carraón silvestre, de grano pequeño y tallo largo y quebradizo. Tipifica las especies más antiguas, como el carraón cultivado, que aún se usa como forraje, o los tipos escaña o escanda silvestres y cultivados, de grano más grueso; éstos se cultivaron mucho en las antiguas civilizaciones griega y romana, y son muy parecidos a los trigos modernos. La resistencia y el grano más grueso de las variedades espelta, todavía muy cultivadas en Europa, aumentaron mucho el rendimiento. Nuevas mejoras dieron lugar al trigo duro, utilizado para fabricar pasta alimenticia, y al trigo de panificación, rico en gluten, que da lugar a una masa elástica y ligera.

El proceso de producción del trigo en la Edad media no era muy diferente del que aparece recogido en los vídeos que te presento a continuación

Es un proceso que va desde la producción del trigo, la recolección, molienda y posterior elaboración del pan. En la actualidad ha cambiado pero aún se realiza con los sistemas tradicionales en algunas zonas del país. Lo que aquí ves se refiere a la producción y transformación de una variedad de trigo, la escanda.

Los cereales eran el alimento básico de la población en general en la Edad Media, tanto centeno como trigo, con resultados distintos en la panificación de los mismos, y con necesidades distintas, dándose el centeno en tierras más frías y con peores condiciones de suelo, siendo por lo tanto más el pan de las clases más desfavorecidas, reservándose el pan de trigo para aquellos más ricos.

Para ver la elaboración del Pan de escanda pulsa parte 1, parte 2, parte3, parte4, o el enlace general