Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Stonehenge al descubierto
Todas esas cosas que querías saber sobre Stonehenge y algunas más las puedes encontrar en esta dirección de Stonehenge al descubierto
Monday, 27 April 2009
Comienza la Historia
Estos esquemas, dos ejes cronológicos, lo hemos tomado de aquí.
Nosotros en lo que queda de curso nos ocuparemos de estudiar la Hª Antigua desde las Primeras Civilizaciones, Egipto y Mesopotamia y posteriormente Grecia y Roma.
TAREA :Lo primero de todo vamos a realizar una serie de actividades con cronología:
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Megaliths Art ( Big stones) : Stonehenge
In the late Neolithic Age, human beings built what we can call the first monuments using big blocks of stone, called megaliths (Big stones). The main monuments were menhirs, dolmens and cromlechs.
Menhirs were big, long stones vertically driven into the ground. Menhirs were probably religious constructions dedicated to worship the sun.
Dolmens were collective burial places. They were composed of big, long vertical stones which formed a wall and were covered by several horizontal slabs of a great size.
Cromlechs were wide c rcles formed by several menhirs. They were probably used as sanctuaries
Stonehenge -England - More amazing video clips are a click away
Secrets of Stonehenge - Watch more funny videos here
Otro vídeo en Castellano
Para saber más sobre Stonehenge
Monday, 20 April 2009
Comparativa entre arte paleolítico y arte Mesolitico
Siguiendo la imagen realiza una tabla donde compares estos dos tipos de arte de la P. Ibérica.
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Lugar | | |
Epoca | | |
Colores | | |
Técnicas | | |
Estilo | | |
Temática | | |
¿ Hay figura humana ? | | |
Friday, 17 April 2009
Mapa conceptual de la Prehistoria y actividades
Mapa tomado del IES Los Remedios, con buena información en los contenidos mínimos para repasar.
Tambien tienes materiales en Inglés y actividades para trabajar en esta dirección
Realiza este preguntas y envíame las soluciones que has realizado.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Housework: Prehistoric
Housework: For every images:
It is a...........
It was used for......
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Ötzi, El hombre del Hielo ( Iceman)
Otzi the Iceman (also spelled Oetzi and known also as Frozen Fritz) is the modern nickname of a well-preserved natural mummy of a man from about 3300 BC, found in 1991 in a glacier of the Otztal Alps, near the border between Austria and Italy. The nickname comes from the valley of discovery. He rivals the Egyptian "Ginger" as the oldest known human mummy, and has offered an unprecedented view on the habits of Chalcolithic (Copper Age) Europeans.
Scientific analysis
The body has been extensively examined, measured, x-rayed, and dated. Tissues and gut contents were examined microscopically, as was the pollen found on his gear. At the time of his death, Otzi was a 30-to-45-year old man, approximately 160 cm (5'3") tall.
Analysis of pollen and dust grains and the isotopic composition of his teeth's enamel indicate that he spent his childhood near the present village of Feldthurns, north of Bolzano, but later went to live in valleys about 50 km further north.
He had 57 tattoos, some of which were located on or near acupuncture points that coincide with the modern points that would be used to treat symptoms of diseases that Otzi seems to have suffered from, such as digestive parasites and osteoarthrosis. Some scientists believe that these tattoos indicate an early type of acupuncture.
His clothes, including a woven grass cloak and leather vest and shoes, were quite sophisticated.
The shoes were waterproof and wide, seemingly designed for walking across the snow; they were constructed using bearskin for the soles, deer hide for top panels, and a netting made of tree bark. Soft grass went around the foot and in the shoe and functioned like warm socks. The shoes have since been reproduced by experts and found to constitute such excellent footwear that there are plans for commercial production.
Other items found with the Iceman were a copper axe with a yew handle, a flint knife with an ash handle, a quiver full of arrows with viburnum and dogwood shafts and flint heads, and an unfinished yew longbow that was taller than he was.
Among Otzi's possessions were two species of polypore mushrooms. One of these (the birch fungus) is known to have antibacterial properties, and was likely used for medical purposes. The other was a type of tinder fungus, included with part of what appeared to be a complex firestarting kit. The kit featured pieces of over a dozen different plants, in addition to flint and pyrite for creating sparks.
TAREA: Vas a investigar sobre el Hobre de Hielo,Ötzi. Realizarás un informe sobre él que debe incluir: Cúando y dónde vivió, cómo era , cómo vivía, cómo vestía, qué herramientas usaba, cómo murió, cómo y cuando aparecióetc.
Debes enviarme la tarea al correo y publicar un resumen de tu trabajo en tu blog, acompañada de imágenes.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Poblados Neolíticos: Catal Huyük
Situado en las orillas del río Çasamba, en la llanura de Konya, en la Anatolía central. Se encuentra a unos 60 km de Konya, esta abierto al público todo el año aunque es mejor visitarlo a partir de Julio.
El yacimiento neolítico de Çatal hüyük fue descubierto en los últimos años de la década de los 50 del siglo pasado, y excavado por James Mellaart entre 1961 y 1965. El lugar fue famoso rápidamente debido a su gran extensión y a la densa ocupación del asentamiento, como las pinturas espectaculares de los muros y las piezas encontradas en el interior se sus viviendas.
Los primeros trabajos pusieron del manifiesto que sus descubridores se encontraban ante un asentamiento excepcional, se hallaron frente a una serie de estructuras decoradas con frescos y elementos plásticos trabajados en arcilla y modelados formando altorrelieves.
En sus estructuras se encontraron numerosos objetos cotidianos, como cuchillos realizados en piedra, estatuillas femeninas, una de ellas sedente sobre un trono de animales que se identificó como una diosa-madre. Se trabajaron los objetos en materiales tales como la obsidiana, el sílex, arcilla, y hueso.
- Catal hüyuk, un núcleo prehistórico
- Información de Artehistoria
Repaso Prehistoria
En este enlace encontrarás ytambién materiales para hacer lo mismo
Friday, 3 April 2009
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Esquemas prehistoria
Aquí tienes un esquema sobre la prehistoria con algunos aspectos de la misma, usando este esquema durante Semana Santa vas a organizar las mismas ideas o parecidas, pero en inglés.
Puedes usar este modelo o el que aparece en esta otra dirección
También sería interesante que pudieras ver algunos de los vídeos que hemos ido colgando.