Tuesday 21 April 2009

Megaliths Art ( Big stones) : Stonehenge

In the late Neolithic Age, human beings built what we can call the first monuments using big blocks of stone, called megaliths (Big stones). The main monuments were menhirs, dolmens and cromlechs.

Menhirs were big, long stones vertically driven into the ground. Menhirs were probably religious constructions dedicated to worship the sun.

Dolmens were collective burial places. They were composed of big, long vertical stones which formed a wall and were covered by several horizontal slabs of a great size.

Cromlechs were wide c rcles formed by several menhirs. They were probably used as sanctuaries

Stonehenge -England - More amazing video clips are a click away

Secrets of Stonehenge - Watch more funny videos here

Otro vídeo en Castellano
Para saber más sobre Stonehenge

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